CITIES Byzantium Author Publisher License Edition GKBN Stanislav Hoferek Greenie knižnica CC-BY-NC-ND First (2020) 000111 About the book Cities: Byzantium is an official add-on for game Cities from Greenie knižnica. New civilization, lots of new events that can be combined together – and increased game depth for more fun. {0>Budujte svoju novú ríšu, získavajte vplyv a bráňte sa Attilovi či tomu najväčšiemu protivníkovi – protihráčovi po vašej pravici.<}0{>Build your new empire, gain influence and defend yourself against Attila or the biggest opponent - the opponent on your right. <0}{0>Posuňte sa v histórii ďalej a získavajte neutrálne, klasické či hlavné mestá.<}0{>Go further in history and get neutral, classic or capital cities. <0}{0>Či už natrvalo, alebo aspoň prechodne využite ich výhody proti svojim protivníkom.<}0{>Whether permanently or at least temporarily, use their advantages against your opponents. {0>Existuje tiež:<}0{>There is also:<0} Slovak version: Czech version: Novelties CITIES <0}{0>Byzancia je rozšírenie hry.<}0{>Byzantium is an extension of the game. <0}{0>Pribúda nová civilizácia:<}0{>A new civilization is emerging: <0}{0>Byzancia, ako i nové udalosti a zmeny v pôvodnej hre.<}0{>Byzantium, as well as new events and changes in the original game. <0}{0>Pôvodná hra je nutná pre hranie Mestá:<}0{>The original game is required to play Cities: <0}{0>Byzancia.<}99{>Byzantium and you can download the newest version directly from Greenie Knižnica. <0}{0>Zmeny sú tiež vo vzťahoch medzi hráčmi, čo môže urobiť hru zaujímavejšou.<}0{>There are also changes in the relationships between players, which can make the game more interesting. Byzantium {0>Nová civilizácia, Byzancia, je veľmi odlišná od ostatných.<}0{>The new civilization, Byzantium, is very different from the others. <0}{0>Má síce tiež 6 miest, ale niektoré udalosti nie sú priamo stavané na Byzanciu.<}0{>Although, it has 6 places too, some events are not built directly on Byzantium. <0}{0>Byzancia má modernejšie mestá, ktoré už nie sú špecializované na konkrétnu oblasť, ale majú všeobecné použitie.<}0{>Byzantium has more modern cities that are no longer specialized in a specific area, but have a general use. <0}{0>Je to tak iná civilizácia hlavne pokiaľ ide o rozličné hry.<}0{>Therefore it's a different civilization, especially when it comes to different games. <0}{0>Hlavné mesto, Konštantínopol, má div sveta, Chrám Božej múdrosti (Hagia Sofia).<}0{>The capital, Constantinople, has a wonder of the world, the Church of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia). <0}{0>Neovplyvní to hru na divy sveta, ale zároveň je toto mesto ovplyvniteľné udalosťami, ktoré sa dotýkajú divov sveta.<}0{>It will not affect the game of wonders of the world, but at the same time this city is influenced by events that affect the wonders of the world. <0}{0>Byzancia sa ráta ako východná civilizácia, spolu s Gréckom, Egyptom, Perziou a Židovským kráľovstvom.<}0{>Byzantium counts as Eastern civilization, along with Greece, Egypt, Persia and the Jewish Kingdom.<0} Attila {0>Spolu s Byzanciou ovplyvňujú dianie v hre aj nové druhy barbarov.<}0{>Along with Byzantium, new types of barbarians also influence events in the game. <0}{0>Attila dokáže ovládnuť celú ríšu, ktorá už bola kompletne ovládnutá a bola tak zarátaná do finálneho skóre.<}0{>Attila is able to control the whole empire, which has already been completely controlled and has been included in the final score. <0}{0>Vždy, keď padne karta barbari, získava Attila 2 mestá z plne ovládnutej ríše.<}0{>Each time the barbarians’ card is dealt, Attila gains 2 cities from a fully dominated empire. <0}{0>Tieto mestá sa vracajú do hry a sú na stole až do doby, kým mu ich nezoberie niekto z hráčov cez Útok, obchod alebo inú udalosť.<}0{>These cities return to the game and are on the table until they are picked up by one of the players through an attack, trade, or another event. <0}{0>Attila začína konať vždy, keď niekto z hráčov použije kartu Barbari.<}0{>Attila takes action whenever one of the players uses the Barbarians card. <0}{0>Ak je v hre viac hráčov, vyberajú sa mestá z finálnej kôpky toho hráča, koho si vyberie ten, kto udalosť Barbari použil.<}0{>If there are more players in the game, the cities are selected from the final pile of the player chosen by the one who used the Barbarian event.<0} Commanders {0>Velitelia fungujú v rozšírení Mestá:<}0{>Commanders work in the expansion of Cities: <0}{0>Byzancia úplne inak.<}0{>Byzantium in completely different way. <0}{0>Dokážu zaberať mestá a vymazávať ich z hry, ale musia na to splniť podmienku.<}0{>They can occupy the cities and delete them from the game, but they must meet one condition. <0}{0>Použitie troch veliteľov je tiež možné na odstránenie miest tej ríše, z ktorej ani jeden veliteľ nepochádza.<}0{>The use of three commanders is also possible in order to remove the cities of the empire from which no commander comes from. <0}{0>Rímsky, grécky a kartáginský veliteľ tak môžu odstrániť napríklad všetky egyptské mestá, ale grécke nie.<}0{>For example, the Roman, Greek, and Carthaginian commanders can remove all the Egyptian cities, but not the Greek ones.<0} New events {0>Hráči majú k dispozícii nové udalosti, ako napríklad Rozkvet, Posvätná púť či Elitné vojská.<}0{>Players have new events at their disposal, such as the Rise, the Sacred Pilgrimage or the Elite Troops. <0}{0>Tie pridávajú nové možnosti a časti sú efektívne pri kombinácii s inými kartami.<}0{>These add new options and the parts are effective when combined with other cards. <0}{0>Hráči tiež môžu získať prechodné hlavné mestá.<}0{>Players can also get temporary capitals.<0} Distribution Distribution is the same as in the classic game. <0}{0>S tým, že hráči si môžu zvoliť akékoľvek množstvo ríš od troch po maximum.<}0{>Players can choose any number of empires from three to the maximum. New events Elite troops: An interesting card if you find the cities that Attila currently controls useful. <0}{0>Taktiež sa dá použiť ako ochrana proti tomu, aby sa Attilove vojská dostali k mestám, ktoré sú už mimo hlavného stola.<}0{>It can also be used as a barrier against Attila's troops getting to cities that are already off the main table. <0}{0>V tom prípade sa obidve karty presunú späť do kôpky.<}0{>In that case, both cards are moved back into the pile.<0} Huns (barbarians): Similar but stronger and more destructive card than the classic barbarians. The expansion Byzantium comes with a novelty for both these cards, arrival of Attila. <0}{0>Pri obidvoch kartách taktiež vzniká v rozšírení Byzancia novinka, príchod Attilu.<}0{><0}{0>Ten berie 2 karty z kompletne získanej ríše, ktorá by bola za normálnych okolností už mimo hru.<}0{>He takes 2 cards from a completely acquired empire, which would normally be out of the game.<0} Another Event: Great if the opponent has lots of events that would be very effective against him. <0}{0>Týmto spôsobom ich môžu získať ostatní hráči.<}0{>In this way, other players can acquire them. <0}{0>Napadnutý hráč má malú kompenzáciu.<}0{>The attacked player has little compensation. <0}{0>Vyberá sa klasickým losovaním z ruky.<}0{>It is selected by a classic hand draw.<0} Sacred Pilgrimage: Effective when you have more than 5 seats while other players do not. <0}{0>Môže byť posvätná púť na západ i na východ.<}0{>It can be a sacred pilgrimage to the west and east. <0}{0>Navyše sa môže dobre použiť v prípade, že je väčšina ríš na západe alebo východe už skompletizovaná.<}0{>In addition, it can be used well when most empires in the west or east are already completed Temporary Capital: Help for players who have no capital and would not normally be able to use events such as an attack. <0}{0>Táto jednorazová pomoc nie je dostupná pre hráčov s príliš veľkým množstvom obyčajných miest.<}0{>This one-time help is not available for players with too many regular cities. Rise: The Rise and the High Rise will increase the number of city cards. <0}{0>Stačí nechať túto udalosť na ruke a použiť ju vtedy, keď budete mať mestá z čo najviac rôznych ríš.<}0{>Just leave this event in hand and use it when you have cities from as many different empires as possible. <0}{0>Je to opatrenie, ktoré pomôže tím, ktorým sa nedarí plniť jednu ríšu za druhou.<}0{>The measure helps those who fail to fulfill one empire after another. Commander: Commander cards are changed, we recommend replacing the original commander cards with new ones when playing. <0}{0>Je možné používať aj viac kariet veliteľov, čo však výrazne spomalí hru.<}0{>It is possible to use more commanders' cards, which will significantly slow down the game. <0}{0>Traja velitelia dokážu škodiť ríši, z ktorej ani jeden z veliteľov nepochádza.<}0{>Three commanders can damage an empire from which none of the commanders come from. Druid Council and Eastern Wisdom: Convenient for players who have many different places but few good events. <0}{0>Stačí sa správne trafiť a ideálne blokovať udalosť tak, aby sa nedostala k súperom.<}0{>All you have to do is hit correctly and ideally block the event so that it does not reach your opponents. Reorder: Players change their order, i<0}{0>Zaujímavé pri viac hráčoch.<}0{>nteresting for multiple players. <0}{0>Pri dvoch hráčoch nemá táto karta veľký zmysel.<}0{>For two players, this card doesn't make much sense. CONŠTANTÍNOPLE Byzantium 1 Adrianopolis Byzantium 1 Nicaea Byzantium 1 Varna Byzantium 1 Nicomedia Byzantium 1 Dyrrarchium Byzantium 1 Roman commander All players lose all Roman cities. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako rímske mestá.<}0{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Roman cities. Greek commander All players lose all Greek cities.. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako grécke mestá.<}88{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Greek cities. Carthaginian commander All players lose all Carthaginian cities. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako kartáginské mestá.<}83{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Carthaginian cities. Egyptian Commander All players lose all Egyptian cities. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako egyptské mestá.<}86{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Egyptian cities. Persian Commander All players lose all Persian cities. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako perzské mestá.<}87{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Persian cities. Celtic commander All players lose all Celtic cities. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako keltské mestá.<}90{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Celtic cities. Jewish commander All players lose all Jewish cities.. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako židovské mestá.<}86{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Jewish cities. Etruscan Commander All players lose all Etruscan cities. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako etruské mestá.<}87{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Etruscan cities.. Byzantine Commander All players lose all Byzantine cities. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať neutrálne mesto alebo 4 iné ako etruské mestá.<}100{>The player must have a neutral city or 4 non-Byzantine cities. Anger of the Gods Byzantine cities T{0>Napadnutý hráč musí odovzdať 1 (nie hlavné) byzantské mesto vlastníkovi karty.<}0{>he attacked player must hand over 1 (not the main) Byzantine city to the cardholder.<0} Elite Troops Your elite troops occupy all the cities currently influenced by Attila.<0} {0>Podmienka:<}100{>Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať minimálne jedno hlavné mesto.<}0{>The player must have at least one capital city . Elite Troops Your elite troops occupy all the cities currently influenced by Attila.<0} {0>Podmienka:<}100{>Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať minimálne jedno hlavné mesto.<}0{>The player must have at least one capital city . Temporary Capital A player can use an event that requires a capital even if he does not own one. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč nesmie mať viac ako 10 miest.<}0{>A player must not have more than 10 cities. Temporary Capital A player can use an event that requires a capital even if he does not own one. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč nesmie mať viac ako 10 miest.<}0{>A player must not have more than 10 cities. Temporary Capital A player can use an event that requires a capital even if he does not own one. Condition: <0}{0>Hráč nesmie mať viac ako 10 miest.<}0{>A player must not have more than 10 cities. Druid Council The player sacrifices 2 events and receives 4 events consequently.<0} {0>Podmienka:<}100{>Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať viac západných ako východných miest.<}0{>The player must have more western than eastern cities Eastern Wisdom The player sacrifices 2 events and receives 4 events consequently.<0} {0>Podmienka:<}100{>Condition: <0}{0>Hráč musí mať viac západných ako východných miest.<}100{>The player must have more western than eastern cities. Reorder In a game with more than 2 players, the playing order rotates. Reorder In a game with more than 2 players, the playing order rotates. Sacred Pilgrimage to the west Players with more than 5 cities gain new cities until they get a western city (Roman, Carthaginian etc) Sacred Pilgrimage to the east Players with more than 5 cities gain new cities until they get an eastern city (Egyptian, Persian etc) Another Event A player can draw 3 events from the selected opponent. <0}{0>Napadnutý hráč si následne zoberie novú udalosť z hlavnej kôpky.<}0{>The attacked player then takes a new event from the main deck. Another Event A player can draw 3 events from the selected opponent. <0}{0>Napadnutý hráč si následne zoberie novú udalosť z hlavnej kôpky.<}0{>The attacked player then takes a new event from the main deck. Another Event A player can draw 3 events from the selected opponent. <0}{0>Napadnutý hráč si následne zoberie novú udalosť z hlavnej kôpky.<}0{>The attacked player then takes a new event from the main deck. Huns (barbarians) Each player loses 5 cities of their choice. <0}{0>Kto má menej miest, prichádza o všetky mestá a nemôže ďalšie kolo vyberať nové mesto ani udalosť.<}0{>Whoever has fewer cities loses all cities and cannot choose a new city or event in next round. Huns (barbarians) Each player loses 5 cities of their choice. <0}{0>Kto má menej miest, prichádza o všetky mestá a nemôže ďalšie kolo vyberať nové mesto ani udalosť.<}0{>Whoever has fewer cities loses all cities and cannot choose a new city or event in next round. Flourish A player gains as many new cities, one for every empire with at least one city. <0}{0>Neutrálne mestá sa nerátajú.<}0{>Neutral cities do not count. Flourish A player gains as many new cities, one for every empire with at least one city. <0}{0>Neutrálne mestá sa nerátajú.<}0{>Neutral cities do not count. Great Flourish A player gains as many new cities, one for every empire with at least one city. <0}{0>Neutrálne mestá sa nerátajú.<}0{>Neutral cities also count and there is double reward for Byzantine city. Great Flourish A player gains as many new cities as there are but only from the empires with at least one city on the player's table. <0}{0>Rátajú sa aj neutrálne mestá a za byzantské mestá je dvojnásobná odmena.<}0{>Neutral cities also count, and Byzantine cities are doubled.